A World Without Photosynthesis!


Processes of Photosynthesis

1.the chlorophyll in the cells of the plants absorbs light from the sun.

2.The sun's energy splits the water moleclues into nytrogen and oxygen.

3.The hydrogen joins with carbon dioxide to make sugar(food).

4.The sugar is carried to the other parts of the plant.The extra oxygen is released into the air.

5.the plant takes in oxygen and takes out carbon dioxide at the night.

6.The plant takes in carbon dioxide and takes out oxygen in the day.

The Importants Of Photosynthesis

.1 It is one example of how people and plants are dependent on each other in sustaining life.

2 with water vapor, in transpiration) as a photosynthetic byproduct, principally of phytoplankton, provides most of the atmospheric oxygen vital to respiration in plants and animals, and animals in turn produce carbon dioxide necessary to plants. both synthesize fats and proteins from carbohydrates; thus glucose is a basic energy source for all living organisms.

3.Photosynthesis can therefore be considered the ultimate source of life for nearly all plants and animals by providingthe source of energy that drives all thei.r metabolic processes.

4. Photosynthesis can therefore be considered the ultimate source of life for nearly all plants and animals by providingthe source of energy that drives all their metabolic processes.

How will it affect the plants and animals if there is no photosynthesis?

1.The herbivores animals will die.

2.This will cause deforestation.

3.The simplest way to understand what photosynthesis means is would to be to know that it refers to the process of producing and releasing oxygen in the air. Photosynthesis is performed by the plants to produce their own food.  The process of photosynthesis requires direct sunlight. carbon- dioxide into hydrogen, carbon and oxygen to produce glucose which forms the source of their energy, growth and food.

 4. Photosynthesis is directly related to the life and survival of all the other living things on earth.It is not just supplies oxygen without which breathing and being alive would be difficult but it also supplies food and energy to all. Among all the living organism on plants .

5.Earth only plants are capable of producing their own food and deriving energy from it.